Thursday, June 16, 2011

Seville: Week One :)

I don't know where to even begin besides the fact that I am so blessed to be able to have the opportunity to study abroad (again) but this time as an intern. I'm currently interning with East West ministries in Seville, Spain in Santiponce. It is gorgeous here!!! We are close to ancient Roman ruins and a beautiful field of sunflowers. I am loving every minute of my time here. I currently reside in Mirena with a family of five. They have two daughters Karen and Elizabeth and one son Samuel and have graciously opened there home up to me this summer. My boss is Chris and the other intern with me (long term) is Katy. She is awesome! She lives very close to the center of Seville so I get to take the metro there and explore often. :) 

Plaza de Espana 

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