Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How to..


1 bottle of red wine (Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Rioja Reds, Zinfandel, Shiraz)
1 lemon chopped 
1 orange chopped
2 pears chopped
2 Tbsp of sugar
1 shot brandy
2 cups ginger ale or club soda

Pour wine into the pitcher and then add the chopped fruit and add the brandy. Let mixture chill overnight in the refrigerator. Add ginger ale or club soda just before you are serving. 

To serve right away. Use chilled wine and pour over ice!! 

Additional ideas: 
Sliced strawberries or peaches, handful of fresh blueberries, raspberries or kiwis, or a shot or two of gin, brandy or rum, a cup of ginger ale or citrus soda :) 

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